Friday, May 14, 2010

It does seem to me that life has gotten exceedingly complicated lately. With everything electronic, there is never any room for leeway or dropfulness. Why can there not be more dropfullness in the society. Dropfullness meaning a new concept that drops the obvious from results.
Why does every thing in Burlington Vermont have dire consequences?  The city is now outlawing the people's choice to sit on a sidewalk. We have to carry chairs  with us everywhere? Why are they not using the time to creat free places to look at the  lake? Or better yet, a place for people to live. There are very few decent apartments in Burlington and the costs a prohibitive.  Why does a single woman making  ten dollars an hour have to rent an apartment that would cost 75 to 100 percent of her paycheck. Then the cost of heat in t he winter and transportation to work and back would probably put her back on the streets as homeless. I am just rambling as there are families who are homeless and the problem of homelessness in Vermont and country wide is getting larger. I believe in ten years there will be groups of fifty or more roaving around the country, sleeping and eating huddled together in masses, ever to grow. There is a possiblity that we will never catch up to the  problem and it will grow like a virus with homeless people sleeping in our drive ways and streets.. Bumping into our bicycles on the bike path... why not start building affordable homes? Why not let people afford to live here?
Why do we insist in closing our eyes for so long....

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